This joint resolution has been introduced, but that doesn't mean it will even be voted on. In terms of allowing sports wagering in Texas, 69% of those surveyed were in support, with the lowest support total coming in at 57% among baby boomers. The resolution would legalize a limited number of resorts and facilities to do so. There is a 2023 push for casino and sports betting to become legal in Texas as we head into the new legislative session. RELATED: Houston lawmaker says there's bipartisan support for legalized gambling heading into 2023 session The study comes as Texas Senate Joint Resolution 17 has been introduced in this year's state legislative session, which, if passed, would allow one casino in each of the state's largest four metropolitan areas - Houston, Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth and San Antonio - as well as the legalization of sports betting in the state.
The report, which was released Thursday, takes everything from gender to location into account. The video above is from a previous report. HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) - A new study by the University of Houston shows most Texans want casino gambling legalized in the state. Overall, 75% of the 1,200 surveyed said they'd support the passage of the legislation - including all political parties, races, genders, and those who identify as born-again Christians.